Article 19A agency won’t conduct its company operations or commit any juristic act in case study solution name of its company, unless it has completed case study solution method for agency incorporation registration. The person that has violated case study solution provision set out in case study answer preceding Paragraph will be punished with imprisonment for a period of no more than 365 days, detention, or in lieu thereof or furthermore thereto a fine of not more than NT$ 150,000 and shall assume on his own case study answer civil liabilities bobbing up there from, or shall be jointly and severally liable therefore, in case there are two or more violators. In addition, case study solution company will be enjoined from using its company name for doing its business. Article 20A agency shall, at case study solution end of every fiscal year, undergo its shareholders for his or her approval or to case study answer shareholders?assembly for ratification case study solution annual enterprise report, case study answer economic statements, and case study answer surplus income distribution or loss make up idea. Where case study answer amount of equity capital of an organization exceeds a certain quantity as specified by case study answer principal able authority, case study solution company shall first have its financial statements audited and authorized by an authorized public accountant pursuant to case study solution auditing and certification rules as prescribed by case study answer important competent authority. The provision set out during this Paragraph shall not apply to case study solution companies whose stocks are provided in public and which are field to case study answer provisions differently stipulated by case study solution securities and trade control authority.