20Ubers wave of bad exposure crested with Susan Fowlers blog post about case study solution companys cover up of systemic sexual harassment. 21 Other issues protected an immense Google lawsuit alleging theft of its driverless car highbrow belongings, a video showing Kalanicks profane tirade against a driver who had challenged repayment cuts, and case study solution revelation that Uber senior executives had improperly obtained case study solution private police files of a girl raped by an Uber driver. But because they had always not noted Ubers economics, case study answer press failed to see that this behavior was case study solution direct results of Kalanicks long status growth at any cost culture, which had always had case study solution full assist of case study answer board. The press didn’t notice that this degree of bad conduct isn’t seen at companies that can generate strong cash flow and profits according to efficient competitive benefits. But managers who can produce growth at all costs without real economic merits know they’re free to hit on female staff whenever they want. The presss failure to refocus Uber coverage on business model issues allowed Uber to say that its cultural issues were brief aberrations that could be fixed with variety schooling and by putting off a few bad apples.