The vocabularyelectronic retailing, that utilized in cyber web discussions as early as 1995, theterm seems a nearly in evitable addition to e mail, e business and e trade,etc. e retailing is synonymous with business to client B2C transactionmodel of e trade. Although e retailing is an independent businessmodel with bound genuine ingredients like; trust model, electronictransaction system, etc, but basically it is a subset of e trade bynature. E Retailing stores sell online promotion only for goods that can be sold easilyonline, e. g. , Amazon did for Books and CDs, etc. Plan weekly, biweekly, or month-to-month one on ones with direct reviews to discuss their current initiatives, ask them about any issues they could be having at work, and seek advice from them about life in general. This is also a chance to deliver feedback and that doesnt mean just telling your employees what theyre doing wrong. Frame areas to work on with praise and constructive messages. Try assembly at a coffee shop or somewhere external case study answer office so case study solution meeting feels more informal and relaxed. Getting together continuously helps you broaden a dating in which employees feel like they’re able to be more open and honest with you, and it helps you work in combination to tackle any potential problems before they enhance. The employees at your agency all have alternative advancement objectives, availability, and studying styles, so it doesnt make sense to expect case study answer same training program to work for each person.